
Health risks related to the lack of sleep


Irritability, poor concentration, fatigue and even anxiety are some of the symptoms that make up a picture of insomnia.

A healthy life in terms of diet and exercise without a good night sleep or a poor sleep quality is not enough. Temperatures over 22 degrees ºC (approx. 71 ºF) at night can turn sleep into a real ordeal. In fact, experts say that the average temperature for a restful sleep is between 18 and 20 degrees ºC.

And of course, the lack of sleep has consequences such as irritability, poor concentration, anxiety, feeling tired … what experts call a clinical picture of insomnia, and the summer has much to do with it. Changes in holiday habits add up to high temperatures.

Also, if you do not sleep enough, either due to lack of hours or sleep quality, fatigue accumulates.

To prevent our body and mind from suffering the consequences, here are some tips:

  • Routine: it is very important to maintain good sleep habits. Always go to bed at the same time and move the time you do so forward gradually as the end of your holiday approaches. Do the same with the time you go to bed.
  • Soft breathing exercises and muscle relaxation may also be good habits to help you sleep.
  • We recommend not having any drinks and food containing stimulants several hours before going to bed and eating light meals.
  • Foods rich in tryptophan, such as bananas, in addition to milk, oatmeal or eggs, can help you improve your sleep quality.
  • If temperatures exceeds 22 degrees ºC, try to cool the room down before going to bed.
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