Medical Check-Ups

Medical check-ups (also called physical examinations, or health evaluations) are used for finding any possible signs or symptoms of a medical condition.

Routine physicals are typically general in their scope and performed on asymptomatic patients as a precaution. More comprehensive and individualised examinations may be conducted on patients with specific medical histories.

Examinations and Services

Medical check-ups are available 24 hours a day at Hospital Ochoa.

Unless otherwise specified by a doctor, we recommend routine health checks every 2-3 years for those under 50 years of age, and once a year for those over 50.

In addition, we provide a multitude of tests for specific health issues, including for colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, melanoma, cardiovascular diseases, and genetic diseases.

  • Early detection of specific pathologies.
  • Personalised medical care by an internal medicine physician.
  • Medical check-ups 24 hours a day.
  • All diagnostic tests are performed on-site.

Please contact us should you have any questions or wish to know which test is right for you.


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