
The importance of language development in children


Acquiring language is a vital communication skill for a child’s development. It allows them to communicate their message across to others, as well as understand a message coming from others. Yet language is not learned; it is assimilated and developed.

There are several consequencesproduced by inadequate language learning, including the weakening of social relations and difficulty learning new content.

What can impair language learning in children?

Language disordersin children can have multiple causes:

  • For example, a hearing impairment (deafness).
  • Neurogical.
  • Developmental impairment or maturity delays.

In addition to these we could also add linguistic delay or specific language disorders. At present, it is not known exactly what causes thesebut they are believed to have a genetic origin, perhaps with idiopathic roots or spontaneous irruption.

When do language development problems arise?

These problems can appear almost at any age, but the important thing is that they be detected as soon as possible and brought to the attention of medical professionals. Each case is different, and professionals need to study and determine whether or not a subject is within normal developmental parameters, or whether it is necessary to intervene.

How is a language delay diagnosed?

The specific language delay or disorder usually involves a double diagnosis: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative refers to how a child applies language to their skills and functions, whereas a quantitative analysis will compare the child’s language development to an average withintheir age group.

Common language disorders

The most common language disorders are maturity delays. Typical symptoms include:

  • Dyslalia. The inability to articulate comprehensible speech.
  • Problems with words and grammar.

Both issues of dyslalia and morphosyntax are easy to detect.As previously mentioned, maturity delays are relatively common, but some types may bemore resistant to intervention than others. If a child’sdevelopmentissignificantly slow and delayed, it mayhavegrave long-term consequences. Once again, early detection is critical.

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