
The hidden benefits of summer fruits

La sandía es una fruta veraniega

Mother nature’s wisdom provides seasonal fruits and vegetables that contain nutrients ideally suited to what our body needs that season. Now that we’re in summer, these fruits are a great source of energy and health.

Why eat seasonal fruit?

Modern agriculture has made it possible for us to enjoy many fruits and vegetables all year round. Not only is this hugely convenient, but it provides widespread nutritional benefits for people across the globe. Nevertheless, anyone can tell the difference between biting into a peach in the summer and in the winter. It’s a great privilege that we can enjoy fresh produce 365 days a year, but the fact remains that seasonal fruits and vegetables have a perfect state of ripeness – an optimum time window during which they are at their most flavourful and nutritional.  

Organically grown fruit that ripens in the summer will be particularly sweet and rich in water. This makes them ideally suited for our consumption during these hot months, as we are in particular need of energy and hydration. Many experts recommend eating at least 3 different pieces of fruit a day, as these will complement each other and form a more well-rounded nutritional panel.   

Popular summer fruits in Spain

From June to September, these are some of the most popular seasonal fruits in Spain:

  • Melons
  • Watermelons
  • Apricots
  • Peaches
  • Tomatoes
  • Berries
  • Cherries
  • Plums
  • Figs
  • Nectarines
  • Strawberries
  • Pears
  • Lemons

The hidden benefits of summer fruits

Here are 4 popular summer fruits, their nutritional content and some of their overlooked health benefits.

  • Strawberries

In addition to being rich in water and vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3 and B6, strawberries are a great source of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, fibre, iodine, ellagic acid, citric acid, salicylic acid, malic acid, folic acid and oxalic acid.

They also possess many anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and diuretic properties that help prevent cell oxidation, aging and inflammation. Strawberries are beneficial for dissolving kidney stones, gallbladder or liver problems, fluid retention, lowering blood pressure, thinning and purifying the blood. They have also been shown to help with rheumatic problems and arthritis, as well as heart disease and obesity.

  • Watermelons

Watermelons are well known for containing lots of water – as much as 95%. In addition, they are rich in vitamin C, A, thiamine, pyridoxine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, lycopene, citrulline and antioxidant properties.

Watermelons are great for regulating the kidneys, its beta-carotene helps protect the eyes, and it helps relax our blood vessels. In addition, some nutritionists claim that it’s rich citrulline content helps the body to produce nitric acid, which increases libido.

  • Raspberries

Raspberries are a popular type of berry fruit that, although supermarkets carry them throughout the year, are best during the summer. They carry a high content of vitamin C and calcium, phosphorus, potassium and carbohydrates. Raspberries have been shown to help manage blood sugar, alleviate symptoms of arthritis, possess cancer-protective properties, protect against metabolic syndrome and reduce signs of aging.

It is a satiating fruit that, improves intestinal transit and prevents constipation thanks to its high fibre content. Its ellagic acid is an antioxidant that protects the skin from external agents and helps prevent premature aging. At the same time, its polyphenols are great for our brain neurons and help shield us from Alzheimer’s.

  • Melons

The melon is perhaps the quintessential summer fruit. Despite its sweetness, melons are low in calories. They are approximately 90% water, but very rich in fibre. In addition, they have a high content of vitamin C, potassium and folic acid. Folic acid makes the melon particularly beneficial for pregnant women, as it is key in the production of new cells and thus helps foetal development.

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