
Top 5 Christmas health risks

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Christmas is a joyful season. However, this holiday also brings with it a notable rise in accidents and health issues.

Health and safety risks during Christmas

  • Accidents. The number of accidents both on the road and in the home are higher during Christmas. Indeed, Christmas is one of the busiest times for hospital emergency wards. More people travel by car during the holiday, and the general seasonal hustle and bustle increases careless driving. This is made worse by an uptick in drink driving. In addition, within the household there is also an increase in electrocutions involving Christmas decorations, and kitchen mishaps and fires.
  • Intoxication. Excessive alcohol consumption during holidays is very common, especially alongside the excitement and large meals that characterise Christmas. However, binge drinking carries real short and long term health issues. Furthermore, drinking while under the influence of alcohol is a serious danger.
  • Food. Overindulging in food and drink is a bad holiday habit that may lead to indigestion, bloating and stomach ache, as well as weight gain. In addition, incidents of food poisoning also rise during Christmas as people tend to cook different and larger meals than they are used to. Undercooking food, cross-contamination of raw ingredients and leaving food out too long at room temperature, are common issues that lead to foodborne illnesses.
  • Illness. In addition to food-related illnesses mentioned above, the colder temperatures and crowded gatherings also increases the prevalence of transmissible viruses. It’s often difficult to avoid people who are sick during Christmas get-togethers. Remember to wash your hands frequently.   
  • Mental health. The family holiday carries many social demands and stressors that are classic triggers for anxiety. Some people may feel pressured to be happy, especially those who don’t have big Christmas plans. Alternatively, some may feel overwhelmed with a long list of things to buy and prepare, and impossible expectations to meet. For many, family gatherings are an obligation to spend time with people who they much rather not see. And then there’s the holiday blues, the realisation that the holiday is time-limited, and the same-old routines of January and a new year are right around the corner.  

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