
Orthodontics: Why it is important to correct teeth

The appropriate age for the treatment of teeth misalignment (malocclusion) will vary from case to case, depending on the particularities. See a specialist as soon as an anomaly is discovered.

It is recommended children see an ORTHODONTIST at least once before the age of 6.

When should orthodontic treatment begin?

Orthodontic treatment is usually associated with adolescence, but this is not always the case and may be required at an earlier age. It is important to emphasise that even if a child does not require any dental treatment, they should nevertheless receive a check-up from a specialist in order to PREVENT the appearance of future dental problems. Thus, as children grow up, it is strongly recommended for their dental development to be SUPERVISED.

Are baby teeth important?

Even though they are temporary, baby teeth are VERY important. Keeping them in good condition helps guide future permanent teeth into their correct place, thus avoiding abnormal alignment. Once a baby tooth falls out, whether to maintain this space with an orthodontic device will be evaluated depending on the proximity of the permanent tooth.

Many infants develop negative habits, such as thumb sucking or prolonged pacifier use, that may have a negative effect on their long-term dental health. It is thus advisable to reject such type of behaviour as much as possible, as it can alter the normal growth and development of the jaw.

Why do teeth become loose?

Genetics plays a very important role in every person’s bite, but it is not the only cause. Issues like crowded teeth, excessive spacing, or abnormal numbers of teeth, can all be inherited traits. Non-hereditary issues, however, are largely preventable. These include trauma (physical blows and accidents), finger or pacifier sucking, respiratory obstruction due to tonsils or polyps, dental disease, or premature loss of teeth. Oral health problems, no matter their origins, will typically affect not only teeth alignment but also facial development and physical appearance.

How long does a treatment last?

Generally speaking, orthodontic treatment can take between 12 months and three years, depending on the particular issue as well as the patient’s cooperation. Seeing how the benefits are so significant both for the patient’s health and aesthetics, as well as long-lasting (typically the rest of their life), orthodontic treatment is widely regarded as worthwhile. Properly aligned teeth look better, work better, contribute to overall health and physical well-being, and improve self-confidence. PARENTS, PATIENT and SPECIALIST work together towards a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime.

Is orthodontics just for children?

ABSOLUTELY NOT. Crooked and poorly positioned teeth are difficult to clean and maintain in good health. They can contribute to tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss. Early orthodontic treatment is BETTER and CHEAPER than the alternative. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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